Deploy FastAPI on AWS Part 1: Lambda & API Gateway

Deploy FastAPI on AWS Part 1: Lambda & API Gateway

Ever wondered how easy it is to deploy FastAPI on AWS? In this post I will show you how to create a minimal API application, how to test it locally, and finally how to deploy it on AWS Lambda & AWS API Gateway using AWS SAM.


FastAPI is a Python framework for creating production-ready APIs, made by Sebastián Ramírez AKA tiangolo. It’s fast (both when it comes to performance and developer speed), easy to get started with, and an absolute joy to work with.

In this two-part series you will learn how to create and deploy a minimal FastAPI application on AWS in a serverless fashion.

In part 1, you will learn how to deploy FastAPI inside a Lambda function that sits behind an API Gateway, and how to deploy the application using SAM.

In part 2, you will instead learn how to package FastAPI inside a container and deploy it on AWS Fargate, the serverless container platform. Here we will use an Application Load Balancer instead of API Gateway, and this time we will define and deploy the application using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).

Are you ready to dip your toes into the world of serverless? Keep reading!



1. Create a directory for your application

To start, create a new directory and cd into it.

Terminal window
$ mkdir fastapi-on-lambda
$ cd fastapi-on-lambda

2. Create a simple FastAPI application

We will create a very simple FastAPI application with a single route, /. To bridge the gap between the Lambda event payload and FastAPI we will use a library called mangum. This library acts as an adapter for ASGI applications running inside a Lambda that’s invoked by AWS API Gateway.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from mangum import Mangum
app = FastAPI()
def get_root():
return {"message": "FastAPI running in a Lambda function"}
handler = Mangum(app)

Save the above in a file with the path src/app/__init__.py.

3. Specify runtime dependencies

To run our function we will need to install a couple of third-party dependencies. We can tell SAM to install and bundle these dependencies together with our function by creating a requirements.txt file.


Save the above in a file with the path src/requirements.txt.

4. Create a SAM template

We will use AWS SAM CLI to deploy our application. To do that we will create a template.yaml to define our resources.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: FastAPI on Lambda
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
FunctionName: 'FastAPILambda'
CodeUri: src
Handler: app.handler
Runtime: python3.9
Type: HttpApi
ApiId: !Ref Api
Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
Description: URL of your API
Fn::Sub: 'https://${Api}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.${AWS::URLSuffix}/'

Save the above in template.yaml in the root directory. In the template, we have defined two resources; one Lambda function and one API Gateway.

The Function properties Runtime, Handler and CodeUri lets SAM know that we want our function to run on Python 3.9, that our function code is located in the src/ directory, and that the handler function is app.handler.

The Events property connects the Lambda function to the API Gateway. This is a minimal configuration without any path or method specified. This will create a default route in the API Gateway that will catch all routes and forward them to the Lambda function.

In the Outputs section we have defined an output for the API Gateway endpoint.

5. Test your API locally with SAM CLI

We can now test our API locally with the SAM CLI. First we need to build the application (i.e., install requirements from the requirements.txt file):

Terminal window
$ sam build

With the application built, we can now start the API locally:

Terminal window
$ sam local start-api
Mounting Function at$default [X-AMAZON-APIGATEWAY-ANY-METHOD]
You can now browse to the above endpoints to invoke your functions...
2021-12-21 19:59:43 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

If everything went as expected, you should now be able to browse to in your browser, or from the command line:

Terminal window
$ curl localhost:3000
{"message":"FastAPI running in a Lambda function"}

6. Deploy your API to AWS

To deploy the API to AWS you need the following:

  1. An AWS account (duh!).
  2. Credentials configured for said account.
  3. An S3 bucket that can hold your SAM assets.

With the above in place we can now use the SAM CLI to deploy our FastAPI application.

Terminal window
$ sam deploy \
--stack-name FastAPIOnLambda \
--s3-bucket YOUR_S3_BUCKET \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
Key ApiUrl
Description URL of your API endpoint
Value https://XYZ.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/
Successfully created/updated stack - FastAPIOnLambda in eu-west-1

If everything works, and hopefully it does, you should see an output similar to the one above. This means that we have successfully deployed the API.

7. Call your newly deployed API

From the sam deploy output, locate the output value of the ApiUrl key. You should now be able to browse to this domain in a browser, or try it from the command line:

Terminal window
$ curl https://XYZ.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/
{"message":"FastAPI running in a Lambda function"}

The power of FastAPI

To get a sneak peek of the power of FastAPI, try navigating to the following URL:


FastAPI generates documentation from your code out-of-the-box. Neat, huh?

(It also supports ReDoc, if the Swagger UI isn’t your thing.)

Cleaning up

To clean up, simply issue the following SAM command:

Terminal window
$ sam delete --stack-name FastAPIOnLambda
Are you sure you want to delete the stack FastAPIOnLambda in the region eu-west-1 ? [y/N]: y
Do you want to delete the template file 123123123.template in S3? [y/N]: y
Deleted successfully


We have now successfully deployed a minimal FastAPI application on AWS Lambda using AWS SAM. This shows how easy it is to utilize Serverless offerings on AWS to get a prototype up and running in record time.

In the upcoming Part 2 we will explore how to run FastAPI on containers in AWS Fargate. We will also see how to deploy an application with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).

If you want to dig deeper into AWS SAM and how to setup CI/CD using GitHub Actions, look no further.

Until next time!

About the author

I'm Elias Brange, a Cloud Consultant and AWS Community Builder in the Serverless category. I'm on a mission to drive Serverless adoption and help others on their Serverless AWS journey.

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